Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Eveline Thomson Scott ve Associated Hospital Service of New York arasında kontrat

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dc.provenance Boğaziçi Cultural Museum Associated Hospital Service of New York
dc.contributor.other Shirley Osmun, Robert College Personnel Assistant to the Comptroller
dc.coverage.spatial New York, Istanbul, 1960s 2017-12-08T12:34:37Z 2017-12-08T12:34:37Z 1960-12-05
dc.identifier.other SCT.ETS.03.023.01.DC
dc.description Blue Cross Certificate (Health Assurance).
dc.description.sponsorship İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/16/YNY/0089) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/16/YNY/0089)
dc.format 5p, 22*28
dc.language.iso EN
dc.rights Open Access
dc.subject Eveline Thomson Scott, Health Assurance, Robert College, Associated Hospital Service of New York
dc.subject Eveline Thomson Scott, Sağlık Sigortası, Robert Kolej, Associated Hospital Service of New York
dc.title Eveline Thomson Scott ve Associated Hospital Service of New York arasında kontrat
dc.title.alternative Contract between Eveline Thomson Scott and the Associated Hospital Service of New York
dc.type document
dc.rights.holder Boğaziçi Archives and Documentation Center
dc.print.type typewriting, printing
dc.accrual.method Donation
dc.identifier.barcode SCTETS0302301

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